Our Watches

At Harold Pinchbeck our approach to watchmaking is to the highest modern standards. At the same time we are influenced by tradition; those timeless qualities that define luxury in a very English, understated way.

Every Harold Pinchbeck watch is assembled by hand in England, and the further up our range you look, the more you will find that each watch's parts, not only in Britain, but by small engineering firms and individual craftsmen. We embrace computer aided design, but we also treasure traditional craftsmanship, so our watches are a happy marriage of both, and it is a joy to work with people whose expertise has often been handed to them through generations. A world away from mass production, it's an approach we believe in, both for its own sake and because it makes Harold Pinchbeck watches truly personal.  

We believe that, as well as keeping time, your watch should also gratify your senses; your eyes, hands and even your nose (our Tanner Bates straps smell wonderful!).

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